About Us

From Pico to the World. The future starts here.

Continuously looking for restless, disruptive and ambitious minds, at Startup Pico we turn adversity into opportunities, from crisis to challenges, because transforming innovative projects into business realities is our mission.

We are an innovation hub, a true entrepreneurial ecosystem, which combines training and cutting-edge scientific and technological knowledge with the know-how of some of the most visionary entrepreneurs in the world in 300m², totally dedicated to innovation and entrepreneurship.



The FOUND program aims to support entrepreneurs through the Incubation Valley so that they can make their dream come true.


The aim of the GROWTH program is to help small and medium-sized companies embrace the challenges and opportunities of marketing, communication and promotion in the digital context.


In an increasingly global world, the SCALE program enables companies to export their products.


Through our SUPPORT program you will have access to partners and mentors who will help you overcome any barrier in the process of creating your company.


Enrique Diaz

Software Engineer at Apple

Apple, iMac, AirPort

Maria Silveira

VP Labor Relations

Foster Farms

Ângela Simões

Comms Consultant & Chair at Palcus

Autodesk, Edelman

Angelo Garcia

President at Lucas Real Estate Holdings

Adobe, Oracle, GNAC Inc

Nuno Braga

Website Marketing Manager at Zoom

Cisco, Userzoom, NPG Productions

Amanda Schmidt

VP of Customer Success



Fica a conhecer todos os programas e iniciativas Startup Pico


Startup Pico is another step in the economic strategy of the Municipality of Madalena. A vision that involves supporting companies, entrepreneurs and investors who see Pico and the Azores as part of their future. 
